When I first started looking for FF, I found a forum on Twilight Lexicon where I found a "Recommended Fan Fiction" forum. That's where I started anyway.
Once I was there, I found another link and went to the "Missing Scenes" Community in FanFiction.net. In particular, I wanted to find the missing honeymoon. This was my 2nd foray into finding the type of stories I really wanted.
Once I found a handful of authors I liked, and who wrote the kinds of stories I personally liked, I looked at THEIR favorite stories lists, and THEIR favorite authors. I was going on the assumption that if we might have similar likes and dislikes based on the stories they wrote. That was the biggest benefit to finding stories that I enjoyed the most.
Becoming more voracious, I next started checking into the author's profiles. Based on their A/Notes (where they often listed about winning awards) I started checking the award sites, which gave me another big list of favorite stories and authors and then I went back to reading THEIR faves again.
Then I started discovering the stories on Adult Fan Fiction
Which, oddly enough led me to Twilighted where an author said there were more stories. While I like Twilighted, I have some issues with their layout and background. It's beautiful, but too hard to read, and too hard to access from a hand-held device. What I really DO like about Twilighted, though, are the forums which are more active and fun than Twilight Lexicon and a few others I've investigated. But as a story site, Twilighted doesn't let me see my favorite author's personal favorite stories.
So Twilighted for forums, but FanFiction.net for stories and the ability to find other new stories based on the favorites marked by my favorite authors. So it's important to use your Favorite Authors and Favorite Stories tabs to help other readers find the stories you like.
For example.... I saw LolaShoes tweet about a story called VR, so I checked her "favorite stories" link and found it. It's called "Volterra Rocks." This is a good case of how readers can find stories. BE SURE TO MARK YOUR FAVORITES AND FAVORITE AUTHORS.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
How do you find fiction to read?
Posted by gkkstitch aka. gkkmouse at 4:35 PM 0 comments
My reading triangle
Hello. My name is gkkstitch and I am a picky fiction reader.
First, it should be a vampire story (that's why it's called Twilight fiction, and not "A couple folks named Edward and Bella" fiction) -- although there are and have been several AH stories I'm enjoying. Still, I set them aside when a good vampire twilight story comes out.
Second, Edward has to be with Bella, and Bella has to be with Edward. So adding Tanya, Jacob, or slashing any thereof instantly ruins it for me (again with very rare exception -- and there are 1 or 2 exceptions).
Third, and farther down the list but every bit the icing on the cake for me, is HEA and lemons. So if you know of any stories like that, DEFINITELY send 'em my way. heh heh heh.
So if a story has any TWO of these three criteria, I'll happily give them a shot.
Posted by gkkstitch aka. gkkmouse at 4:08 PM 0 comments