No one is there when I arrive. I pour a glass of water and take a seat, but I'm not kept waiting long. When the door opens, it's not Portia who enters. It's President Snow. He comes in and I can see that he leaves two large gentlemen in suits outside the door.
I manage a polite smile even though my mouth goes dry. "Mister President." I stand up to greet him and clasp my hands behind my back, knowing this makes me appear relaxed even though my hands are shaking.
"Cinna," he says and takes a seat, instantly clicking into the computer. He turns the screen toward him so I cannot see it.
"I'm surprised to see you here, sir. The Opening Ceremonies..." The president always says a few words to the tributes at the City Circle from the balcony of his mansion.
"Yes." His tone is cool, but I try to tell myself he's simply being formal; that it isn't suspicion making him reserved. "I don't have a lot of time, so I'll be brief." He motions me to sit and I suddenly wonder where Portia could be since we were both told to be here.
When I take a seat, the president leans back in his own chair and quietly regards me before speaking. "I want you to dress Katniss in her wedding gown for Caesar's interview."
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